My services
I hold 16+ years of experience with proofreading, editing and copyediting of texts in Polish and English.
I proofread and edit commercial, legal and student texts, journal articles, dissertations and theses, professional documents, correspondence, and more. I use ‘track changes’ in Word which allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all of the modifications proposed.
My standard rate is £0.008 (€0.009) per word of the original document. All proofread and edited documents are returned to you within 96 hours, but they may be returned faster if you have a tight deadline. A higher rate is charged when you want your document(s) to be returned within 48 hours (£0.011 or €0.013 per word of the original document) or 24 hours (£0.015 or €0.018 per word of the original document).
Special rates can be negotiated if the document is over 30,000 words.
Customers from EU that are VAT registered: if you provide me with your VAT registration number and the full address details including postcode, I will not have to charge you VAT.
Customers from outside the EU: if you provide me with your full address details including postcode, I will not have to charge you VAT.
Contact me if you have questions and if you would like to receive a free quote.
Why Text Editing?
I graduated from Polish Philology (MA) with specialisation in Text Editing. During my studies, I learnt a great deal about the publishing industry, as well as professional editing, copyright law and marketing. For my master thesis, I edited a 19th-century manuscript that I discovered in The Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences during my six-month scholarship in Vilnius, Lithuania. My thesis was a preparation of the manuscript for the edition; it was 800 pages long, and it was nominated for the best thesis of the Faculty of Philology in 2010. An article about my work was published in “RozmaitoÅ›ci warsztatowe: Problemy Tekstologii i Edytorstwa DzieÅ‚ Literackich” issued by Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK in 2010.
I also worked in Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, the academic publishing house, as an Editor/Proofreader during my studies and did copyediting jobs. After graduating, I obtained Cambridge Certificate in Proficiency in English and also took a course in Professional Editing and Proofreading in Stonebridge Associated Colleges in the UK. I have been employed as a Senior Editorial Assistant in London-based publishing company Science Navigation Group since 2010, and I have also been involved in many editorial projects as a freelancer. I have been copyediting manuscripts and audio transcriptions for clarity and consistency with in-house style, reviewing designs and checking proofs (QC), as well as writing reports and conducting market and user experience research for various mystery shopping programs in the UK. I have also mastered internet based researching, verifying facts, references and data; creating tags, titles and bio blurbs; preparing press releases, newsletters and other promotional materials.
I believe there are many reasons for my passion for text editing. One of them is my affection for the little details – the ones that often go unnoticed but are nevertheless important. I love making sure that everything is done correctly, and I find pleasure in knowing things others might not. Consequently, I have always been one of the ‘bad cops’ on the grammar police squad, habitually correcting friends and family members’ grammar.
Text editing, however, involves more than just checking for grammatical and stylistic errors. One of the most satisfying and important aspects of copyediting is fact-checking. We, copyeditors, have to do everything we can to verify the information in the articles and texts we read. What we do matters, and that’s a great feeling! I love to research and double check items. Graduating from Scientific Information and Library Studies (BA) provided me tools and skills for doing research and utilise appropriate information resources. I am a type of person that is not afraid to admit that I do not know all the answers; however, I know where and how to look for them and always find them!