My services
I have 14+ years of experience in Polish-English and English-Polish translating as a freelancer and as an employee of a publishing company. I also translate from Finnish into English.
I am meticulous, always deliver on time and to my client’s expectations. I believe excellent organisational skills are essential in work as a freelancer; therefore I can effortlessly manage a few projects simultaneously without compromising the quality of my work.
I mainly translate legal, medical, business, technical documentation, as well as literary writings. I can also translate general texts like correspondence, marketing materials, websites, articles, presentations, and more.
My rates vary between £0.05 (€0.06) and £0.10 (€0.12) per word according to complexity and length of your text. I am willing to negotiate my charge if a text is longer than 10,000 words. Proofreading is included in your fee.
Customers from EU that are VAT registered: if you provide me with your VAT registration number and the full address details including postcode, I will not have to charge you VAT.
Customers from outside the EU: if you provide me with your full address details including postcode, I will not have to charge you VAT.
Contact me if you would like to receive a free quote.
My rates

Why Translating?
I believe translating is an art very similar to film editing. Both are creative processes that require decision making and responsibility for the final result. I became very enthusiastic about translating after I took a course of Translation from Lithuanian to Polish at Vilnius University during my scholarship in Lithuania. I then studied works of the most influential translators in Polish language (Stanisław Barańczak, Bronisław Zieliński, Zbigniew Batko, Irena Tuwim, Maria Skibniewska) who inspired me to search for my own style.
In 2010 I received MA in Polish Philology with specialisation in Text Editing. In 2011 I obtained Cambridge Certificate in Proficiency in English with a very good grade and I completed Diploma in Professional Editing and Proofreading at Stonebridge Associated Colleges (UK). I also took a course in Diploma in Translation at the University of Westminster in London (UK) and passed IoLET DipTrans examination of General Text in 2015, IoLET DipTrans examination of Literature in 2016 and IoLET DipTrans examination of Science in 2017.
Many people believe that any bilingual person can do a good translation. Therefore, often a complicated, well-written document ends up in the hands of someone with absolutely no translation experience. Translating is an intricate and often subjective process that goes far beyond a simple word-for-word exchange. A bad translation can negatively affect your company’s image or product. Mistranslations and missing words or sentences can have devastating consequences. Additionally, if a translation is fraught with bad grammar or spelling errors, the reader tends to lose confidence in not only the document but also the company that produced it. A good translation, on the other hand, needs to carry the meaning and the tone of the original text, while remaining culturally sensitive and appropriate to the target audience. I believe it should strive to present all the information and nuance of the source text in a clear and uncluttered fashion and communicate accurately, appropriately and concisely. It should read smoothly, sound as if it were originally written in the target language and mirror the mood of the author.